Mid-year goal review

    Keeping track of your yearly goals is an important step for achieving them. It's recommended that you do it month by month, but in case you lose track of it, or even when you're tracking it regularly, it's a good idea to have a big goal review by the middle of each year.

    The benefits of carrying this on are:

  • Checking if you're advancing in pursuing your goals and if not:
    • Which are the ones you're having more difficulties with and why.
    • Checking if you had any setbacks that impacted your goal pursuing in a global manner.
    • Identifying ongoin weaknesses and thinking over possible solutions or alternatives to it.
  • Evaluating your main goals to check if they're still valid. While it's not expected to happen within the timeframe of one year, this is relevant in a ever changing scenario.
  • Reviewing your Goal Priority List to check if there's any change in its ordering; while you may work on different goals simultaneaously, you'll still need them ordered by priority for informing specific decisions.

    In my case, the greatest setbacks I've faced in the first half of this year were recovering from a burn and staying over twelve days without tap water. 

    As a result, two of my main goals initiated by the beginning of this year stayed almost purposedly on hold; the production of a new animated series and the writing of a book about a method for design documentation for responsive websites.

    Conducting those reviewing activities not only helps you being more efficient in your goal pursuing, but also helps you knowing your own values and inner motivations better, which leads to a well thought off life plan and overall life satisfaction.

    Although I'd feel tempted to catch up with those tasks, my previous evaluation of priorities prevented me from losing sight of what's most important in my life currently, thus I've focused only on exercizing and organizing after those setbacks.

    So, what are the questions you must answer while doing this activity? Here are a few:

  • Did I acomplish my previously stablished monthly goals so far?
  • Did I have any unpredicted setback? What could I do to deal with those in the near future?

  • Was there any other reason preventing me from achieving my milestones? List them and adress each of their causes.
  • Did my priorities change? Should I set new goals or reorder those?

    Those questions are better to be answered sooner, but also again by the end of the year.

    Would you add any new question to those? Post it on your comment.
