The benefits of blogging for your business

    Writing about your practical experience, with tips to help your audience can promote your businesses, attract more customers and close more sales.

    Choosing a topic that you know well and is part of your day-to-day makes this job a lot easier.

Why blogging?

    If you do a lot of non-billable consulting calls with clients, or prospects, which provide tons of valuable information on aspects of running a successful online busines, but that can also hurt your business because you're not billing for those hours, you can turn those services into a consulting business instead, depending on the field you are in, or you can blog helping your clients as a path to achieving online business' success.

    As a business you must present yourself professionally to your customers right from the start. It's a hard measure to reduce - and later cut - the phone calls with clients but sometimes it needs to be done.

    By sharing those tips on a blog post you can reach a broader audience, help and connect with more people, and attract new customers that can get to know about your expertise via your posts.


So here are some key benefits that blogging can bring to your biz:

1. It helps humanize your business

    Potential clients want to know who is behind your company before doing business with you.

    Although people can find a lot about your personal details on social media; more than your name, gender, city and preferences, ultimately, what your customers want to know is if they can trust you with their businesses, if you are capable of solving their problem, and where you stand regarding topics pertinent to your area of expertise that would affect their buying decision.

    By writing a post and sharing your thinking process, you give your potential clients the opportunity to know you better before you even meet them, so it can help them decide if they'd like to work with you.

    They also can get intelligence about your level of expertise and get reinforcement that you really know your business.

    It pushes yourself in front of new customers or potential new clients.

2. Blogging can skyrocket your business' online visibility

    Your posts can be seen by an audience far beyond than mouth-to-mouth marketing could help spread the word about your products or services.

    It can be particularly invaluable when you're reaching for new audiences and targeting a new market.

3. It positions you better on search ranks

    Constantly updating your website with new content is a strong ranking factor, so by creating and updating your blog posts, your company's website will get ranked higher and show first on search engine results.

4. It keeps your audience coming back

    It gives your audience a reason to be constantly checking your website and that increases your chances of they seeing your new promotional banner or clicking on your new product launch, so it will also have a positive impact on your sales revenue.

    These are the main benefits that blogging consistently can bring to your business.

    Why do you blog?


business tips


(originally posted on: 2018-04-04 by Karen White)

Photo: Bram Naus
