Planning your content for the year

    It's the beginning of a new year and you've already grabbed your holidays and celebrations calendar for this year, but if you also plan your content by the beggining of the first month, you're one step ahead than looking through it each month before.

    Half January has gone by, but recovering from this accident kept me from releasing this post sooner. Let's go to it. Releasing your content earlier can also help you position better on search ranks. So, how do you do it?

    I use spreadsheets for keeping track of my already published content, but for planning I'm using a simple .doc file document. You can use a spreadsheet file if you have more than one blog to plan its content, so you can better visualize all the work you need to get done. If you prefer keeping it online, Trello is a great tool for that, with its drag-and-drop horizontal folders display.

    Sort the months of the year in columns, starting with January, and create horizontal rows for each blog. This works better for faster visualization.

    Now go through the holiday calendar, look for the ones you can't skip and mark them on your spreadsheet or Trello folder.

    Look on your posts from previous years if there's already writen material you can republish or reformat for those dates. Keep note of their permalink on your file.

    Then, think of all the other activities you need to get done and set a realistic goal number of posts for each blog through the whole year. Check this post about setting, organizing, evaluating and achieving your goals.

    After you defined a number (of posts) for each of your maintained blogs, write down possible topic ideas and distribute them through the remaining months, that is, the ones that don't have a celebration related post already planned.

    Read your old posts and take notes of what can be improved. Look for common questions related to your topics on social media and search engines. If you have contact with clients, their issues also present a good material for writing an article.

Happy content planning!

